Future love productions
music and soundscapes

Future love productions
music and soundscapes

I am
a film composer
a producer
a songwriter
a sax player
I make noise. Noise is all sound. I like the order and disorder of it. The way it influences how you feel. The way it hits your subconscious.
When I hear my chair squeak I almost compulsively imitate it…
I started out playing the sax with fusion and rock bands. With good reason.
When I cook I make simple food with a lot of taste.
That’s how I want my music too.

Feature Films:
“Den Tysta Leken” (The Silent Game) – dir. Görel Crona 2016
“Inga Tårar” – dir. Håkan Bjerking 2011
The break-in 2015
Beginning of the End 2015


We do sound and music design, composing, soundscape creations and music production. A Pro Tools| HD – Genelec Digital Surround system rig makes it fun to work in the studio and ensures compatibility with all major music, sound and post facilities.


Our focus lies firmly on writing and producing music, it our first love. soundscapes, the enigmatic land between music and sound FX is another. We love the power of a good song, we love when sound makes the pictures you´re watching jump right at you.
Specialising in advanced sound design, we aim to create optimal audio solutions for our discriminating clients.
Welcome to join us for the ride.

Film music is rarely listenable except when it’s driving the scene on its own. Still here’s some excerpts:

Futurelove Productions
Erik Häusler
Writer/ Producer